Household Food Security Overview 2023 – Sri Lanka

This report provides an in-depth analysis based on two assessments conducted in 2023 and a comprehensive overview of food security situation in 2023 including the seasonal comparison.

In 2022, Sri Lanka faced an unprecedented economic crisis, coupled with high inflation, soaring prices, unfavourable harvests and depleted foreign reserves leading to a substantial impact on food security.

As a result, 28 percent of the population were estimated to be food insecure, according to the WFP-FAO Joint Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM -May 2022).

In 2023, WFP and FAO jointly conducted a second CFSAM in March, based on a sample of 15,035 households designed to produce representative estimates at district level.

Between August and September 2023, WFP conducted a follow-up survey of 8,633 households of which 4,398 households were selected from the previous round to constitute a panel sample while the remaining 4,235 were randomly selected from a new sample frame.

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