World’s oldest known rock art discovered inside Indonesian cave

In a groundbreaking development for our understanding of the origins of early art, the world’s oldest known reliably-dated cave art image has been discovered.

Found inside this limestone cave named Leang Karampuang on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, it is the oldest known evidence of storytelling in art.

“Our results are very surprising,” lead researcher and Indonesian rock art specialist Adhi Agus Oktaviana said.

“None of the famous European Ice Age art is anywhere near as old as this, with the exception of some controversial finds in Spain, and this is the first-time rock art dates in Indonesia have ever been pushed beyond the 50,000-year mark.”

The remains of the painting depicts three human-like figures interacting with a wild pig.

A joint team of Australian and Indonesian scientists used a new dating technique called laser ablation U-series analysis to date tiny layers of calcium carbonate that has formed on top of the art.

They found the underlying artwork was painted at least 51,200 years ago – making it the oldest known reliably dated cave art image in the world.

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