Sri Lankan Tamil Women Rise in UK Politics

Uma Kumaran, a British national of Sri Lankan descent, has been successful in her bid to be elected as the first MP of Stratford and Bow in the United Kingdom.

Contesting from the Labour Party, she has been elected after securing 19145 votes in the UK’s general election held on July 04. In an exclusive interview with the Tamil Guardian, Uma Kumaran revealed she was born in East London, where her parents first lived when they came to the UK – fleeing Sri Lanka’s armed conflict.Responding to questions on issues the Tamils care about, such as war crimes, she said it was genuinely unbelievable that to date, no one has been held accountable for the war crimes that took place in the run-up to and during May 2009 in Sri Lanka.“We will never forget the devastation, the loss of life, loss of land. Those images of hundreds of thousands of our people sheltering in the sand, in the narrowest of strips of land, the deliberate shelling of hospitals and Red Cross sites, the so-called “no fire zone”. And the torture and sexual violence they subject Tamil men and women to – we will never forget.“And after that, the aftermath, a whole generation growing up without families, men, women and children with the mental and physical scars of war. I don’t like to recall it in such detail, but we need to know our history,” she said. Uma Kumaran also expressed frustration on the fact that as Sri Lanka is not a party to the Rome statute or signed up to ICC – the only way justice can be served is by referring through the UN Security Council.“Labour has been clear on our commitment to work towards lasting peace, reconciliation and a long-lasting political solution for the Tamil people. Labour has already committed to supporting and ensuring that Tamils get the accountability that we deserve, and that this will form part of the key foreign policy priorities should there be a Labour government. If I am elected on the 4 July, I will actively engage with international organisations such as the United Nations, particularly the UN Human Rights Council, and NGOs.“People must be held to account through the International Criminal Court. We must amplify our call for justice on a global stage. I will advocate for diplomatic efforts that encourage other countries to support the referral of Sri Lanka to the ICC,” she said. 

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