Majority of Australians back scrapping Stage 3 tax cuts

More than two-thirds of Australians would back overhauling or abandoning Stage 3 tax cuts entirely, according to new data.

The latest poll, conducted by The Australia Institute, found 37 per cent of people support the government repealing the cuts, while 24 per cent oppose and 39 per cent remain unsure.

The study surveyed 1,600 Australians about their attitudes on stage 3, which is due to come into effect in July next year.

The cuts are the third phase of the former Coalition government’s tax plan and will reduce the tax rate for all Australians earning between $45,000 and $200,000 to 30 per cent.

However, the cuts have been criticised for overwhelmingly benefiting high-income earners, whereas stages 1 and 2 benefitted low- and middle-income earners.

The Greens and the Crossbench have urged the Albanese government to reconsider the final stage citing they were no longer economically viable.

The Australia Institute data showed that, in the second question, when respondents were told tax cuts would cost the budget over $300 billion over the next 10 years and will mostly benefit high-income earners, support had shifted.

After being informed of the costs and who benefitted, only 17 per cent were in favour of retaining them, while 25 per cent supported scrapping them.

About 44 per cent of Australians thought the cuts should be restructured so low-middle income earners benefitted more.

Chief Economist at the Australia Institute, Greg Jericho, said the data highlighted there
“is no meaningful constituency for Stage 3”.

“Our research puts to bed any notion that the majority of Australians want the Stage 3 tax cuts to go ahead in their current form,” Jericho said.

“The federal government now has firm backing from voters across the political spectrum to either scrap Stage 3 outright or restructure to restructure then to benefit middle and low-income earners instead of the top 10 per cent.

“Australians clearly want a fairer and more progressive approach to taxation, one which is equitable, sustainable and ensures proper funding for public services.”

The Australian Institute has previously raised how a restructure of the cuts could save the budget up to $130 billion while also delivering higher tax breaks to 80 per cent of income earners.

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