Victoria launches ‘Dear Driver’ road safety campaign

Victoria has unveiled its “Dear Driver” campaign in a bid to change the behaviour of offending motorists, as the state records its highest road toll in more than five years.

The Transport Accident Commission road safety initiative will target Victorians caught running a red light, speeding and illegally using a device while behind the wheel.

In addition to their infringement notice, offenders will now receive a letter from an SES unit controller named Mark who details his experience with road trauma.

“One of the worst things I’ve seen was an incident involving a driver who wasn’t speeding, or drunk – he was doing around 60 kilometres an hour,” the letter reads.

“His mistake was using his phone illegally while driving – he took his eyes off the road, veered off, and hit a reinforced concrete fence.”

A QR code on the letter links to “one of three emotional video messages” for offenders to watch, depending on what type of infringement has been issued.

The video messages feature personal stories from either Mark or two other road trauma survivors.

Offenders are also asked to “make a pledge to drive safely, by signing their name and clicking a ‘commit’ button”.   

“Dear Driver is a bold initiative, speaking directly to those who need our message most,” TAC CEO Tracey Slatter said.

“Through empathy and real-life stories, we hope to ignite a change in behaviour and pave the way to safer roads.

“This campaign is a call to all drivers to reflect on their actions, change their behaviour, and take an active role in driving down road trauma on Victorian roads.”

Across Victoria, more than 7,000 driving infringement notices are sent out every day.

The campaign is part of a collaboration between the TAC, police, Fines and Enforcement Services and the Department of Justice and Community Safety. 

Victoria’s road toll for the year to date stands at 258, which is up 21.7 per cent on the same time last year.

The five-year average is 202.

(Sky News)

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