There have been nearly 50,000 articles on violence against women

A staggering 58 women have been lost to violence committed by men in Australia this year.

The issue of violence against women is far from new, with more than 48,000 articles published about it in Australian media this year alone, but “it’s certainly not getting any better”, as White Ribbon Foundation’s chief executive Melissa Perry told

She’s urgently calling for millions of Australian men to do more than just consume the news.

“They have to do something about it,” she said, speaking ahead of White Ribbon Day today.

“I don’t want people to put their newspaper away, turn off the TV and go, ‘God, that’s terrible’. We have an opportunity to really make a difference and everyone can play a role.

“But there’s a high level of confusion about what their role should or could be.”

A new study by the foundation has found 86 per cent of Australian males know the average man is critical in reducing violence against women, but the majority – 63 per cent – are confused about exactly how.

The White Ribbon Foundation is working to tell men how they can contribute to reducing that violence.

Making changes in everyday conversations and attitudes towards women is key to preventing violence against women, the foundation says.

“It’s very powerful when men are talking to each other about what’s OK and not OK,” Perry said.

“An example is if a guy is making some derogatory comments about a woman walking past in a pub.

“Men generally don’t call that out because they don’t want to be ostracised or be judged by their mates.”

Perry said it was about men stepping up and calling out disrespectful comments and behaviour – “saying, ‘Hey, you know, if that was your sister, would that be OK?’ Or, ‘Hey, dude, that’s not cool’.”

The foundation offers men advice on how to react to disrespectful comments, sexual jokes and acts of violence.

Perry said men should also call out “red flags” and signs of coercive control, which can be drivers for domestic violence, such as men obsessively contacting their partners or controlling their partner’s finances, actions, relationships or clothing choices.

The violence against women ambassador said part of the issue was Australians getting rid of the “image in their head of what a perpetrator looks like”.

“They are our brothers, our sons, our fathers, our partners,” she said.

“I can guarantee you family and domestic violence is happening in every single postcode in Australia, not just the low socio-economic suburbs.”

She has called on all men across the country to have conversations now.

(9 NEWS)

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