Severe sunburn in young Australians skyrockets

Severe sunburn has rapidly increased among young people in NSW, with health professionals urging parents to protect their children from the sun this summer.

The amount of people seeking medical treatment for sun damage has increased by 28 per cent over the past year, largely because of a lack of community concern, with the highest rates seen in people aged five to 24, according to the Cancer Institute NSW.

“It is pretty shocking to hear more than 800 people presented last financial year to our state’s EDs with sunburn, with the majority children and young people,” NSW Health Minister Ryan Park said.

Park warned that even mild UV exposure from the sun can increase a person’s risk of developing melanoma skin cancer, with the Cancer Institute NSW reporting that two in three Australians will be treated for skin cancer during their lifetime.

“Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, and by the end of the year, we anticipate close to 6,000 people in NSW will be diagnosed with this devastating cancer,” Park said.

“Sun damage and skin cancers are highly preventable, and we’re encouraging the community to do really simple things like seeking shade when outdoors, wearing sunscreen, putting on a hat, sunglasses and protective clothing to safeguard themselves.”

Children aged under 10 are at particularly high risk, with double the chance of developing melanoma.

“Australia has one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world and protecting our skin from the sun from a very young age, and into adulthood, is key to reducing our risk of skin cancer,” said NSW Chief Cancer Officer and CEO of Cancer Institute NSW, Professor Tracey O’Brien.

“When people think of skin cancer risk, they often think of a day at the beach, but in NSW, UV radiation levels are high 10 months of the year which is why it’s vital people protect their skin all year round, even on cool and cloudy days.”

Cancer Institute NSW is implementing a new skin cancer prevention strategy this summer which will improve access to shade in public spaces and promote sun safe practices.

Kate Thomas, who spent her childhood outdoors enjoying nippers and netball, said she received an “incredibly frightening” melanoma diagnosis at age 27.

“I wish I could go back in time and tell my young self to do things differently, to listen to my mum when she kept reminding me to cover up,” Thomas said.

“My diagnosis completely changed my outlook on sun safety and I hope to encourage young people to take skin cancer seriously, and not make the same mistakes I made.”

Member for Coogee, Marjorie O’Neill, said parents play an important role in modelling sun safe behaviour for their children.

“Whenever we go for a walk, are at the park or are hanging the washing we need to protect our skin and teach our kids to the do the same,” O’Neill said.

(9 NEWS)

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