Australia oldest person celebrates 110th birthday

South Australian resident Lorna Henstridge, who is believed to be Australia’s oldest person, has celebrated her 110th birthday today.

Lorna was surrounded by her three children, seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren for the celebrations today.

She was born in Adelaide in 1914, meaning she lived through two world wars and two pandemics.

I’m very lucky to have this celebration, and it’s almost overwhelming,” Henstridge said.

She does a crossword every morning, goes for a walk and enjoys three coffee dates a week with her eldest daughter.

“I think perhaps I’ve always been very active… (I) did play sport quite a lot.”

Henstridge also shared what was most important to her.

“I guess the main thing is to be respectful with other people and try and understand them always and learn a lot from everybody,” she said.

Lorna spent much of her life in regional South Australia and up until the age of 105 she lived in her own home.

She now lives in an assisted living facility in Bordertown.

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