Australia’s indoor air quality is unsafe by WHO standards, 

Indoor air pollution in Australia exceeds World Health Organisation (WHO) safety limits and can be even worse than outdoor air quality, new research has found.

Dyson’s Global Air Quality Connected Data project is the first of its kind, collecting data from 3.4 million Dyson air purifiers worldwide in 2022, including over 100,000 in Australia.

Australia’s indoor levels of particle pollution reached a high of 8.31μg/m³ in July, surpassing the WHO standard of 5μg/m³, with indoor pollution levels double outdoor levels in some months, Dyson has reported

All of the 39 countries Dyson studied failed to meet WHO standards, with India and China ranking first for the worst indoor air quality, while Australia ranked 28th, just above the UK and US.

Dyson studied two pollutants, including particle pollution (PM2.5) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are invisible to the human eye and are inhaled.

Sydney recorded the lowest levels of indoor particle pollution out of every city surveyed globally, Dyson said.

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