Betty Brussel is 99. She just smashed 3 world swimming records

Betty Brussel has a lot to celebrate this year. The competitive swimmer just broke three world records in the pool — and is turning 100 years old in July.

But when she gets in the water, all of those big moments melt away.”When [I] swim, I count my lanes … you can’t really think of anything else because you lose count,” said Brussel, who lives in New Westminster, B.C.”It’s nice to get a medal. But when I have a good time, it’s fine,” she told The Current during a visit to the Guildford Aquatic Centre in Surrey, B.C.

Brussel crushed the world record in the 400-metre freestyle swim on January 20, competing in the 100-104 age category at a swim meet in Victoria, B.C. (Per competition rules, Brussel qualifies for the category because she will be 100 this year). She shaved almost four minutes off the previous record and went on to break two more records that day, in the 50-metre breaststroke and the 50-metre backstroke.

Experts say finding ways to stay active as you get older is an important part of staying healthy. But according to the Canadian Community Health Survey, only 40 per cent of Canadians over 65 met the recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise in 2021, the latest data available.

A report published in November by Statistics Canada’s health analysis division noted that physical activity does decline with age, but other factors such as lower income and education also contributed to physical inactivity.

Some researchers have delved into how older bodies react to exercise. In Ireland, sports scientist Lorcan Daly studied his own grandfather, 93-year-old Richard Morgan — a four-time indoor rowing world champion who only took up the sport at age 73. 

The study suggested that when subjected to stimulating exercise, Morgan’s cardiopulmonary and respiratory systems reacted in much the same way as would a healthy young adult. The results were published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in December.

“The key takeaway there, we’d say, is that … the body will respond and adapt at any age,” said Daly, an assistant lecturer in sport and exercise science at the Technological University of the Shannon. 

“Definitely no time is too late. Start now, I would say, for sure, because the body will respond.”

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