Breaking: Daniel Andrews resigns as Victoria’s premier

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced he is quitting politics.

Andrews held a snap press conference where he announced he will step down from premier as member for Mulgrave, at 5pm tomorrow.

“I’m also proud to think of all that we have achieved over these nine years,” he said.

“It’s not an easy decision because, as much as we’ve achieved together, there is so much more to do.

“But, when it’s time, it’s time.”

Andrews said thoughts of what life will be like after being premier started creeping in during conversations with his family in recent weeks, and that’s how he knew it was time to go.

“It’s not an easy job being premier of our state,” he said.

“That’s not a complaint, that’s just a fact.

“It requires 100 per cent from you and your family. That, of course, is time limited and now is the time to step away.”

Andrews said the only way he knew how to do the job was by allowing it to consume and define him. He dubbed himself a “true workaholic”.

“Every waking moment is about the work and that takes a toll,” he said.

“The moment you are not comfortable with that decision for you and the people you love, you have to step away.

“Because you never want to get to a place where you resent this job, this amazing privilege and important opportunity.”

Andrews acknowledged there will be judgement of his leadership, but he leaves knowing he has implemented important policy.

After he spoke he was met by a round of applause by reporters.

As to what Andrews plans to do next, he said he was going to spend time with his wife and the kids, play golf, and read books.

“I’m looking forward to a very different pace and doing different things,” he said.

Andrews was first elected to parliament in 2002.

He has been premier of Victoria since December 2014 and served as the 48th leader of the state.


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