Corgi parade outside Buckingham Palace pays ode to Queen Elizabeth II

The changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace draws tourists from far and wide, but on Sunday visitors were treated to a different sort of spectacle: a parade of corgis dressed up in crowns, tiaras and royal outfits.

Around 20 royal fans and their pet corgis walked their dogs outside the palace to commemorate a year since Queen Elizabeth II’s death. 

Corgis were the late queen’s constant companions, with Elizabeth owning around 30 throughout her life.

The dogs descended from Susan, a corgi that was given to the queen on her 18th birthday.

Corgi parade organiser Agatha Crerer-Gilbert said she would like the corgi march to take place every year in Elizabeth’s memory.

Corgi in royal suit beside other corgis
Royal fans and their pet corgis gathered outside Buckingham Palace to remember Queen Elizabeth II.(AP: Alastair Grant)
Corgi with sequined crown brooch
Maggi, a Pembrokeshire Corgi, came out for the day of commemoration.  (AP: Alastair Grant)

“I can’t see a better way to remember her than through her corgis, through the breed that she loved and cherished through her life,” she said.

“You know, I can’t still get used to the fact that she’s not physically around us, but she’s looking at us.

“Look, the sun is shining, I thought it would shine on us today.”

Line of corgi are leashed to gate
The corgi owners dressed up their pets in crowns, tiaras and royal outfits and paraded them in central London. (AP: Alastair Grant)

Corgi owner Aleksandr Barmin, has taken his pet Cinnamon to attend past royal-related events and said the parade was a poignant reminder. 

“It’s a really hard feeling, to be honest … it’s really sad that we don’t have (the queen) among us anymore,” he said.

Woman with grey suit and hat surrounded by corgis
Queen Elizabeth II was a well-known lover of the dog breed and owned around 30 in her life. (AP:  Adrian Wyld/The Canadian Press)

“But still, Her Majesty the Queen is still in our hearts.”

September 8 will be the first anniversary of the queen’s passing and Britain’s longest-reigning sovereign.


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