Experts call for pill testing after nine hospitalised from suspected drug overdoses

Experts have called for urgent pill testing after eight people were put into an induced coma following suspected MDMA drug overdoses at a festival.

A total of nine revellers were rushed to hospital in critical condition after Hardmission at Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne on Saturday. 

Now, there is a push for a free drug-checking service to allow users to make informed decisions.

Swinburne University’s Centre for Human Psychopharmacology Dr Amie Hayley said healthcare workers would be able to provide harm minimisation support to drug users, free from fear of law enforcement.

“When used, these services are well received and provide patrons with the opportunity to change their behaviour,” she said.

“Importantly, there is no evidence to suggest that it increases drug use or drug-related harm.

“It also provides healthcare workers and harm-reduction advocates with a way to flag and monitor for dangerous substances that might be circulating in the community.”

Pill testing was trialled at the state’s Groovin’ in the Moo festival, which Hayley said provided “encouraging” outcomes but she noted the government had a “risk averse” stance.

“A lot of people who did find contents in their substances which were not what they expected did choose to not take them or made an informed decision,” she said.

“It’s a realistic way to deal with people who deal with substances.”

The Greens, the Animal Justice Party and Legalise Cannabis Victoria parties have a bill before Victorian parliament that would allow mobile pill testing stations at major music festivals, as well as a fixed site.

Following the suspected overdoses last week, the parties refreshed their joint call for the state government to establish pill testing.

“We need to respond to events like these with action. Thoughts and prayers aren’t going to cut it,” Greens acting leader Aiv Puglielli said.

“Every summer festival season we know people take drugs.

“But with our bill before parliament, Labor could change that with the stroke of a pen.”

(9 NEWS)

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