Gender pay gap hits record low – but $26,000 still separates men and women

Australia’s gender pay gap has dropped to a new low of 21.7 per cent – meaning men overall earn just over one-fifth more than women, according to a new report.

On average, for every $1 a man earns in Australia, a woman earns 78 cents.

However, the Workplace Gender Equality Agency has pointed to the “promising” aspects of the result.

The pay gap shrank by 1.1 per cent in the past year – the second-largest annual drop since the WGEA started collecting employer data in 2014.

The average annual pay gap is now $26,393, down $1322 from 2022.

The calculation includes all employees and employee types (part-time and casuals included) except for the CEO/equivalent, non-binary employees, and any employee given ‘0’ for their income on the profile.

The WGEA said the shrinkage was driven by an increase of women in management positions and other well-paid roles.

Women now hold 42 per cent of management positions, up from 41 per cent last year.

WGEA CEO Mary Wooldridge said the results showed that while slow, there ws momentum for change in Australian workplaces.

“Increased discussion and debate around gender equality, a tight labour market and impending legislative reform have helped drive action on workplace gender equality over the last year,” Wooldridge said.

“We see an increase in the proportion of women in management and at the upper pay quartiles, and we also see the proportion of women being promoted and appointed at manager level is higher than the proportion of women managers overall.

“As this trend continues, we can expect to see the gender pay gap continue to fall.”

However, she said urgent action was needed in other areas.

“The management opportunities for part-time employees are negligible; the number of men taking paid primary carer parental leave has barely shifted; and the number of women in CEO roles and on boards has stagnated,” she said.

“If we want real change, we need employers to take bold action. We need employers to look across the drivers of gender inequality and be imaginative in their solutions.”

(9 News)

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