Google to delete unused Gmail accounts in system clean-up from December 1

Have a Google account you haven’t used in a while? If you want to keep it from disappearing, you should sign in before the end of the week.

The tech giant will begin deleting thousands of Gmail accounts from Friday, as it tightens security with an account policy change it announced in May.

Under the updated policy, accounts that have been inactive for two years will be deleted as early as December 1, 2023.

Accounts deemed inactive will be erased in a phased-approach, which users would have received multiple notices about.

Here’s what you should know.

Google announced the move in a blog post in May, citing security issues for the decision.

“This is because forgotten or unattended accounts often rely on old or re-used passwords that may have been compromised, haven’t had two-factor authentication set up, and receive fewer security checks,” Google said at the time.

The tech giant said accounts that have not been used for a long time are 10 times less likely to have two-step-verification set up.

“These accounts are often vulnerable and, once an account is compromised, it can be used for anything from identity theft to a vector for unwanted or even malicious content, like spam.”

From December 2023, Google will launch its “phased approach” to deleting unused accounts.

Accounts that were created and never used again will be the first to go.

The easiest way to keep your Google account active (and thus prevent it from being deleted) is to sign in at least once every two years.

Other actions that fulfil account activity requirements include sending or scrolling through emails, using Google search and watching YouTube videos (YouTube is owned by Google) all while signed into your Google account.

An account with an existing subscription — an app or news publication, for example — will not be considered inactive.

Only personal Google accounts that haven’t been used for two years or more will be impacted under this inactive-account update.

Accounts made for organisations, such as schools or companies, will not be affected, Google says.

Per Google’s online policy, other exceptions include Google accounts that manage active minor accounts, accounts containing a gift card balance as well as those that have been used to purchase Google products, apps or subscriptions that are ongoing.

Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Photos and other content linked to the inactive accounts will also be erased.

This content can be exported by account users using the Google Takeout feature.

Google asks users to provide and update a recovery email for their account — which is also helpful for sending inactive account notices and other communications.

(7 NEWS)

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