Government reviews largest overhaul to higher education in decades

Universities could see major changes as the federal government reviews the largest overhaul to higher education in decades.

The Australian Universities Accord has handed down its review into the sector, recommending significant change is needed in order to support the future economy.

It found 80 per cent of citizens will need to receive a university or high level technical qualification by 2050 with an additional one million Commonwealth-supported places needed.

The report also suggested targeting areas of national skills shortages, making HELP payments easier to receive and pay off, more free bridging courses for students that don’t initially qualify for university and introducing payments for previously unpaid work placement training in nursing, care and teaching.

“Universities change lives if they are managed well, and universities can change nations,” chair of the review Mary O’Kane said.

In order to do that, the federal government will need to make it easier for low- to middle-income students to pursue higher education.

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