How to commemorate ANZAC Day in Australia and Greece

Australians and New Zealanders will stop to commemorate ANZAC Day this week in honour of those who have served and died in military operations throughout history.

ANZAC Day is commemorated on April 25 every year and this year, it falls on a Thursday. Serving as a public holiday, whenever the day falls on a weekend, it is still commemorated on a weekday (Monday or Friday of the respective week).

Why is ANZAC Day on April 25?

It’s the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand armed forces during World War I. 

On April 25, 1915, ANZAC soldiers landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula. The ultimate objective was to capture Constantinople (now Istanbul), which was the capital of the then-Ottoman Empire. This was when Australia and New Zealand were fighting as part of the Commonwealth for Britain, which had declared war against Germany. More than 8,000 Australian soldiers died during the campaign.

How is Anzac Day commemorated?

There are many traditions associated with the day, but the two key events are a memorial service at dawn and a march later in the day. 

Dawn services are symbolic of the time ANZAC forces originally landed on the shores of Gallipoli. These ceremonies typically involve the laying of floral wreaths, a moment of silence and a rendition of The Last Post — which is a specific tune played on a bugle. 

Later in the day, former and current military personnel and family representatives march in a parade and gather with the public for a formal memorial service. Anyone can go to the public services, which are typically held in central areas. 

Greek and Cypriot contingents will also be taking part in the marches across Australia this year.

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