Illegal foreign fisher crackdown off Kimberley coast nets 30 people

Thirty suspected Indonesian fishers have been placed in immigration detention following a targeted crackdown on illegal foreign fishing vessels in waters off Western Australia’s Kimberley coast.

The fishers are facing prosecution and removal from Australia after a multi-agency operation, led by Australian Border Force (ABF), uncovered three illegal fishing boats, a combined haul of one tonne of trepang (sea cucumber) and fishing equipment.

The intercepted vessels have been destroyed.

The exercise included surveillance by land, air and sea, and focused on areas within the Kimberley Marine Park north of Broome.

ABF Assistant Commissioner and Operation Leedstrum commander Kylie Rendina said it was “the largest cohort of foreign fishers to be detained in over a decade”.

“If you fish illegally, you will lose your vessel, your equipment and you will be placed in immigration detention to face potential prosecution,” she said.

The Indonesian fishers were safely transported to shore and have since been flown to the Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre in Northam, north-east of Perth.

Australian Fisheries Management Authority fisheries operation general manager Justin Bathurst said an investigation would take place.

The Kimberley Marine Park stretches for nearly 75,000 square kilometres and is home to whales, dolphins, dugongs and turtles.

Mr Bathurst said the highly protected park was an “attractive choice for illegal foreign fishers”.

Operation Leedstrum was set up in December amid a surge in illegal activity in Kimberley waters in recent months, with 65 vessels sighted over a 24-hour period during October 2023.

ABF says the operation will continue until illegal fishers are deterred from entering the region.

ABF records show 125 boats were intercepted during the 2022-2023 financial year.

Animal populations like sea cucumbers are in demand by illegal fishers.


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