Increase in rear-end crashes leaves traffic experts concerned

An increase in traffic incidents on Queensland roads has left transport experts worried, prompting a warning to motorists.

The nearly 50 per cent increase in rear-end accidents is caused by changing traffic conditions due to congestion on motorways, national transport company Transurban told 9News.

“Over the past 12 months, we’ve seen a 48 per cent in the number of rear-enders on all our motorways,” Transurban spokesperson Angelo Lambrino said.

“Most of these rear-enders are occurring either from speeding or from distracted drivers who are not realising the traffic ahead of them has stopped or (is) slow-moving.”

Transurban’s traffic control centre provided 9News with exclusive CCTV footage of these traffic incidents.

In one clip, a car can be seen spinning out as it gets hit from behind while approaching the Legacy Way tunnel in Brisbane.

Multiple vehicles begin piling up after being rear-ended in another clip.

Experts say motorists should stay alert and leave plenty of room between cars, as well as be patient while driving.

Switching lanes or turning at the last minute is also discouraged. 

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