Jacinta Allan defends hefty pay pockets of 2026 Victorian Commonwealth Games executives

Premier Jacinta Allan has defended the hefty pay pockets of executives who were tasked with delivering the 2026 Commonwealth Games across regional Victoria.

Almost $11 million was spent on organising committee employee costs last financial year, only for the government to turn around and withdraw from hosting the event.

The committee’s annual report was tabled in state parliament on Wednesday, revealing there were 32 executives who worked on the games delivery program.

The minimum executive salary was in the $180,000 – $199,999 band, while 11 executives were paid more than $300,000. One executive was classified as being paid $500,000+.

Ms Allan, who was the Commonwealth Games delivery minister, told reporters on Thursday executives needed to be paid such amounts because that was the industry standard. 

“The executive salaries for the then Commonwealth Games officials were benchmarked against industry standards,” she said.

“Particularly when you consider the specific expertise that was needed at that point in time.

“A lot of that work that went on during that period of time is now being refocused as part of the delivery of the $2 billion… regional package.”   

The annual report showed that all up there were 74.4 full-time equivalent staff employed by the organising committee at the end of June.

In total, employee expenses came in at $10,847,321 last financial year, more than half of what was identified as the committee’s expenses from transactions.

The work the organising committee put into the games fell apart in July when then-premier Daniel Andrews announced the government was not proceeding with the event.

The government had last year budgeted $2.6 billion for the games but Mr Andrews said updated costings had put the event at between $6 to $7 billion.

In their joint annual report message, Victoria 2026 chair Peggy O’Neal and CEO Jeroen Weimar boasted of the staff they assembled to deliver a “robust, credible and fully costed plan” to deliver the first multi-city games. 

“A world class team was recruited and they worked tirelessly to build, test and cost a strong delivery program,” the pair wrote.

“The OC’s diverse and passionate team and Board are to be thanked and commended for their acumen, expertise and professionalism.

“While the OC staff and Board directors all share a sense of disappointment, they are proud of the team assembled, the plan that was built, the local people they learned from and the hope they felt.”

Victoria has since been required to pay $380 million in compensation for leaving the games without a host three years out from the event.

The opposition issued a statement on Wednesday attacking the “waste and mismanagement” of the Victorian government over the games.

Shadow tourism, sport and events minister Sam Groth also took aim at Premier Jacinta Allan, who was Commonwealth Games delivery minister, saying she “has squandered more than $600 million” of taxpayers money on a games that will not go ahead.

“This money could’ve been spent on vital hospitals, roads and schools at a time Victorians are doing it tougher than ever,” Mr Groth said.

A state parliamentary inquiry into the games cancellation wrapped up hearings last week, with Ms Allan refusing to attend.

(Sky News)

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