Lifesaving Chair gives tips to swimmers over the Christmas period

It is “always a challenge” for lifesavers across the country during the Christmas and New Year period, so swimmers should “stop, look, plan” at the beach, says Surf Life Saving Australia Lifesaving Chair Chris Jacobson.

Christmas Day at the beach is an annual tradition for many Australians right across the nation, so people should spare a thought for the thousands of Surf Life Savers volunteering their time today to make sure the rest of the country is safe.

“The number one thing that we’re really urging the public to do is, where you can, please always swim between the red and yellow flags,” Mr Jacobson told Sky News Australia.

“If you can’t for whatever reason swim between the red and yellow flags, and you’re swimming elsewhere then please make sure that you follow a number of tips and the primary tip that we’ve got for you this season is to stop, look, plan.

“Stop – see if there’s any rips in the area where you’re planning to swim.

“Look – to make sure that there’s no other hazards in those areas – so are there rocks? Is there large surf? Is there surfers where you’re planning to go out?

“Plan – plan to have a safe and enjoyable time, make sure that you’re going home safely to your loved ones.”


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