More than 300 still buried under Papua New Guinea landslide

View of the damage after a landslide in Maip Mulitaka, Enga province, Papua New Guinea May 24, 2024 in this obtained image. Emmanuel Eralia via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES.?

A UN official said that “there are a lot of houses under the debris that cannot be reached” and estimated as many as 3,000 people called the hillside settlement home.

Rescue teams arrived at the site of a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea’s remote highlands Saturday, helping villagers search for hundreds of people feared dead under towering mounds of rubble and mud.

At this time, we are still searching for bodies who are buried by the massive landslide,” said community leader Mark Ipuia, who feared “more than 300” villagers were entombed.  

The disaster hit an isolated part of Enga province at around 3:00 am Friday, according to government officials, when many villagers were at home asleep. 

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