New poll reveals Palaszczuk’s popularity has slumped to lowest in 08 years

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s performance rating has hit an all-time low, as residents express concern about the direction the state is heading. 

A poll conducted by YouGov for the Courier Mail has revealed Ms Palaszczuk is no longer the preferred Premier of the state for the first time since she was elected eight years ago in 2015. 

Opposition Leader David Crisafulli has scraped past the Labor leader by a close margin of 37-35 per cent. 

Ms Palaszczuk’s net satisfaction rating has plummeted to negative 20, tying with former premier Campbell Newman for the worst result on record in the Courier Mail’s YouGov polling.

Mr Newman, who was in office from March 2012 to February 2015, scored the same net result in August 2014. 

According to the latest poll, 52 per cent of respondents are dissatisfied with Ms Palaszczuk’s performance as Premier while 32 per cent are content with how she is doing her job. 

Sixteen per cent of people surveyed were uncommitted. 

In the two-party-preferred stakes, the LNP has maintained its lead over Labor 52-48 per cent. 

In March, the LNP had scored 51 per cent compared to the government which received 49 per cent. 

Asked which party Queenslanders would vote for if an election was held today, 41 per cent of respondents said the LNP, 33 per cent voted for Labor and 13 per cent opted for the Greens.

Eight per cent voted for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, while Katter’s Australian Party polled a result of two per cent.

Another exclusive poll commissioned for the Courier Mail showed on Friday that 47 per cent of Queenslanders feared the state was heading in the “wrong direction”.

It represented an increase of eight per cent compared to June last year.

Thirty-four per cent of respondents feel Queensland is currently on the right track, a dip from 41 per cent last June.

The poll also explored how respondents were feeling on a financial level amid the current cost-of-living climate.

A staggering 55 per cent of those surveyed said they were “worse off” compared to April last year, an increase of five per cent. 

Forty-two per cent of Queenslanders also expected their financial situation to “get worse” over the next 12 months, compared to last year’s result which showed 38 per cent. 

The results come as the state’s two major parties lay out their pitches to Queenslanders one year out from the October 2024 election.


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