New uterine loop for monkey birth control

The Veterinary Faculty at Peradeniya University has introduced a novel small-sized loop designed for implantation into the uterus of female monkeys to effectively prevent pregnancy.  

A one-and-half-year-old female monkey which had given birth once was used for the test.  

Senior Professor Ashoka Dangolla from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Peradeniya University reported that during the X-ray examination conducted after the surgery, it was observed that the implanted loop was successfully in place. 

Professor Dangolla explained that this form of birth control is intended to prevent pregnancy in women. Due to previous unsuccessful attempts using a normal-sized loop, the decision was made to create a smaller-sized loop.   

He noted that doctors from the Obstetrics and Neurology Department of Peradeniya Teaching Hospital, along with the Faculty of Dentistry at Peradeniya, have also contributed their expertise to this endeavour.   

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