Rental scams surge as desperate house hunters turn to social media

Scammers are increasingly targeting desperate renters on social media, with one woman losing $3200 in an elaborate fake Airbnb ruse.

South African expat Fiona Mathebula found herself urgently looking for a Sydney rental a few months ago in mid-October, when her flatmate needed to move back overseas.

“I got really desperate looking for a place to stay,” Mathebula said.

In a tight market – Sydney recorded a rental vacancy rate of just 1.2 percent in October according to SQM Research – Mathebula said her lack of rental history put her at an immediate disadvantage.

Mathebula moved to Australia for work in May last year, and the apartment she was vacating was not leased under her name.

“I would go and see apartments and there would be 10 other people waiting,” she said.

“They were all people who had been in Australia for a long time and had a better chance than I did.”

With no luck at the packed inspections, Mathebula turned to Facebook marketplace, where she saw an ad listed for an attractive one-bedroom apartment in the inner city suburb of Haymarket.  

The apartment was available for 12 months at $420 a week, the advertisement said.

“It seemed affordable, a good price,” Mathebula said.

Mathebula responded to the advertisement and was put in touch with a woman she was told was the owner of the apartment.

“She explained to me that she moved to the UK for a job, but she is renting the apartment through Airbnb,” she said.

Mathebula asked to inspect the apartment, but the woman ignored the request.

She told Mathebula she would need to book the apartment through Airbnb, and she would send her the link to where she could make the reservation. 

“She said that’s how long-term rentals work through Airbnb,” Mathebula said.

The link took Mathebula to what turned out to be a fake Airbnb site. 

“The page itself really looked like Airbnb – everything looked real,” Mathebula said.

“Even the Airbnb people when I showed them later, they said, ‘Everything just looks so legit, you can’t tell there is anything dodgy about it.'”

Mathebula was prompted by the website to enter her Airbnb account details, which she did.

“I saw reviews about the apartment, and they were good. So I said, ‘Ok fine, maybe this is legit.'”

Eager to secure the apartment, Mathebula transferred $3200 – which included a rental bond and four weeks’ rent.

She was directed by the website to make the payment via an international money transfer platform.

However, after making the payment, Mathebula began to have second thoughts, especially after a friend warned her about rental scams on Facebook.

“Something told me to go to Google and type in Airbnb,” Mathebula said. 

When Mathebula put her login details on the real Airbnb website, she couldn’t see the apartment on her list of bookings.

Mathebula said the scammer soon stopped answering her questions and she was unable to get a refund from her bank, or the money transfer platform.

Mathebula’s story comes amid a spike in rental fraud as scammers seek to exploit house hunters willing to forgo the usual checks, such as in person inspections, in order to secure a property.

An Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) spokesperson told there were a number of rental scams circulating on social media platforms.

The ACCC’s Scamwatch has recorded a year-on-year rise of about 75 percent in rental scam losses, and a 57 percent increase in the number of rental scam reports.

In the first 10 months of this year, Scamwatch received about 800 reports of rental and accommodation scams, compared to just over 600 during the whole of last year.

About a third of rental scams reported to Scamwatch were initiated on social media, the ACCC spokesperson said.

A spokesperson for Airbnb said: “Issues like this are rare, but when they do happen, we take them seriously.” 

“Airbnb is built on trust. Provided guests stay, pay and communicate only on Airbnb, they will be using our secure processes and be covered under our refund and support policies.”

(9 NEWS)

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