Sri Lanka Customs to move to online auctions from July

Sri Lanka Customs has been instructed to conduct auctions via the online system from July this year.

State Minister of Finance Ranjith Siyambalapitiya said instructions have been given to the Director General of Customs to implement online auctions from July 25, 2024.

State Minister Siyambalapitiya made the remarks in Parliament yesterday while responding to a newspaper report on the matter.

Stating that online auctioning could not be implemented so far due to various practical difficulties, he said the Customs Department has now taken responsibility for conducting all the auctions of Sri Lanka Customs online.

State Minister Siyambalapitiya added that through this new system, the government will be able to obtain a proper income, as well as provide the people with an open right to get goods, including gold, at a competitive price.

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