Sri Lanka Tourism conducts road shows in Australia

The Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau conducted three road shows in Australia recently.

The inaugural event took place in Brisbane on March 19. High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to Australia Chitranganie Wagiswara, Sri Lanka’s Consul General in Melbourne, Sandith Samarasinghe, and Chairman of Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB), Chalaka Gajabahu and SLTPB officials were present.

Thirty-two Sri Lankan companies participated alongside sixty Australian travel and tour operators and Australian media personnel.

These road shows serve as vital platforms for development partnerships and enhancing collaborations between Sri Lankan businesses and their Australian counterparts.

They play a pivotal role in revitalising the tourism sector in Sri Lanka by stimulating interest and engagement from Australian markets.

On March 21, Sri Lanka Tourism held its second roadshow at the Shangri-La Hotel in Sydney. Over 75 representatives of Australian travel trade companies and 25 media representatives and influencers were present., SriLankan Airlines Manager for Sydney, Sakura Wijethunga was also present.

The event featured a dance performance, adding colour and liveliness to the proceedings.

A raffle draw was also conducted, offering attendees the chance to win prizes, including six nights and seven days’ tour packages from Sri Lankan travel trade, and three complimentary air tickets from Sri Lankan Airlines. This was one item where the participants joined in enthusiastically.

Overall, the roadshow served as a platform for fostering collaboration and promoting Sri Lanka as a premier tourist destination among the Australian travelers.

The conclusion of the series of Roadshows in Australia took place at the Sofitel Hotel in Melbourne. With over 50 Australian agents and 35 media representatives, the event was a testament to the growing interest in Sri Lanka’s tourism offerings.

The day commenced with productive B2B meetings, facilitating valuable connections between Australian and Sri Lankan businesses. The highlight of the event was the address by Sri Lanka Tourism Ambassador Sanath Jayasuriya.

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