Super Earth’ that could potentially have liquid water discovered 137 light years away

An exoplanet dubbed a “super-Earth” that may potentially be home to liquid water has been found in an “exciting” discovery in the search for other habitable planets.

Exoplanet TOI-715 b is about one and a half times the size of Earth and sits in the conservative habitable zone around its star.

“That’s the distance from the star that could give the planet the right temperature for liquid water to form on its surface,” NASA wrote.

“Several other factors would have to line up, of course, for surface water to be present, especially having a suitable atmosphere. But the conservative habitable zone… puts it in prime position, at least by the rough measurements made so far.”

“Exoplanet” is a term given to a planet found outside our solar system.

NASA says the planet is close to our own solar system – at least by astronomical standards – a mere 137 light years, or more than 999 trillion kilometres – away.

Monash University observational astronomer Michael Brown said the discovery was an exciting one, but said caution was needed before jumping to any conclusions.

“There’s been great interest in finding smaller planets that are similar to the Earth in size and mass, that would have surface temperatures suitable for rivers and oceans, and thus potentially life,” he said.

“TOI-715 b may be such a planet. It’s three times the mass of the Earth and the right distance from its star to potentially have liquid water.

“This is exciting but there’s good reasons for caution. We know very little about the atmosphere and surface of this planet. TOI-715 b also orbits close to a cool M-type star, whereas the Earth orbits further away from a hotter G-type star – and perhaps being this close to an M-type star could complicate the development of life.

“More planets with sizes and masses comparable to Earth will be found in the habitable zones of stars, and in the coming years and decades they will be the prime targets for searches for life beyond the Earth.”

In addition to TOI-715 b, NASA said there are signs the same solar system may hold another Earth-sized planet that might also sit in the conservative habitable zone.

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