Sydney streets slow down for safety

Sydney drivers will have to slow down as the city rolls out a 40km/hr speed limit across the local area.

The changes will apply to the remaining regional and local roads with a 50km/hr limit in Glebe, Forest Lodge, Beaconsfield, Waterloo, Annandale, Redfern, Alexandria, Zetland, and Woolloomooloo.

“It is everyone’s responsibility to make our roads as safe as they possibly can be for people walking, riding and driving,” Lord Mayor Clover Moore said.

“Studies have shown that the survival rates for people hit by a vehicle drastically improve at lower speeds like 40km/hr.”

Three-quarters of the Sydney local government area’s roads are already limited to 40km/hr – up from five per cent in 2004.

“We will also continue to work with Transport for NSW to reduce speed limits to 30km/hr in the city centre and other high activity areas where there are lots of people walking and riding,” Moore said.

Roads under state government jurisdiction, including motorways, will continue to have higher speed limits, but in a release the council said they were working to lower them.

Temporary electronic signs will be positioned at key locations to alert motorists to the new 40km/h speed changes for a minimum of two weeks.

These will be replaced by permanent signs in “coming weeks”.

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