Two new measles cases in Victoria, public urged to be alert

Two new measles cases have been recorded in Victoria, with the public urged to look out for symptoms.

Two returned overseas travellers visited several public locations in Melbourne while contagious with measles between January 17 and 24.

The illness starts with cold-like symptoms, such as a cough, fever and runny nose. It then develops into a rash on the face and spreads down the body, health authorities said.

Symptoms will develop within 7 to 18 days after being exposed to the illness.

“People can be administered MMR vaccine within 72 hours of exposure to measles to prevent infection,” Victoria’s Acting Chief Health Officer Dr Christian McGrath said.

“Failing that, we recommend that people monitor for symptoms and seek medical attention if any symptoms develop.

“Measles outbreaks have recently been reported across the globe and anyone planning overseas travel should ensure they have received appropriate vaccinations, including an MMR vaccine if they don’t have a history of two previous MMR vaccinations.”

The new cases do not include a third case recorded earlier this week.

Measles is highly contagious and can be spread through airborne droplets and through contact with an infected person’s saliva or “nose secretions,” according to Victoria Health.

(9 News)

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