World’s most expensive passports

From July, a new Australian passport will set you back $346, a 15 per cent price increase.

While the essential identity document ensures visa free travel to many countries, does it represent good value?

Research company Compare the Market AU compared the cost with other nations’ passports.

10. Fiji 

Pacific island tourist hotspot Fiji is at number 10. Fijians must pay a fee of $142 for a passport. It enables them to travel visa-free to only 80 nations.

9.Mexico (three years)

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9.Mexico (three years)

Mexico issues three types of passport. Its three-year version costs $148.65. For that fee, its citizens can visit 162 countries visa free.

8. United Kingdom

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8. United Kingdom

British passport holders faced a swathe of extra red tape for entry to Europe after the country’s historic Brexit vote. 

But for the price of $159, a UK passport offers visa free travel to 192 destinations.

7. Canada

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7. Canada

A 10-year Canadian passport costs $181.41. 

The travel document gives its citizens non-visa travel to 189 nations.

6. Italy

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6. Italy

A passport in Italy, part of the 27-nation European Union bloc, costs $191.36. 

For that sum, Italians can enjoy visa-free journeys to 194 destinations.

5. New Zealand

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5. New Zealand

Kiwis have to pay $193.72 for their passports which provide visa free travel to 190 countries.

4. Mexico (six year version)

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4. Mexico (six year version)

Even if they choose just a six-year passport, Mexicans must fork out $202.

3. United States

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3. United States

Americans must fork out $252.72 for a 10-year passport. 

It allows visa-free entry to 189 countries, just one less than Aussie passports.

2. Australia

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2. Australia

The familiar blue Australian passport is in second place.

Lasting 10 years, from July it will cost a pricey $346. 

For that amount you can visit 190 nations without the need for a visa.

1. Mexico (10 years)

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1. Mexico (10 years)

Mexico’s 10-year passport, is in top spot for the world’s costliest.

It t offers visa-free travel to 162 countries. 

While that seem quite a few, it’s well below cheaper ones issued by other nations.

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