One in four Australian teens have vaped

A study of more than 4,000 teenagers has found one in four have vaped, with researchers warning they are doing it in the mistaken belief it helps with stress and anxiety. 

The research, from the Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at Sydney University, asked 4,200 Australians aged 14 to 17 in three states about a range of health factors. 

It found 26 per cent had vaped at some point, up from 10 per cent in a separate study three years before. 

One in five had used an e-cigarette in the past 12 months, and 5.7 per cent classed themselves as “regular vapers”.

Lead researcher Dr Lauren Gardner said the average age a teenager first tried vaping was 14.

The study, which has been published in the Medical Journal of Australia, supports other research from the centre that looked at what drew young people to vaping. 

It found young people held many misconceptions about vaping use, including that it was a safe alternative to cigarette use. 

Social media was a major contributor to misconceptions, Dr Gardner said, and the best way to counter its influence was with education. 

Australian National University epidemiologist Emily Banks said the new study’s findings that 5.7 per cent of teens were regularly using vapes was crucial information.

Jonine Jancey, a professor in public health at Curtin University, said the data was welcomed, and while it provided some insights, there were limits on how representative it was.  

She said schools were playing catch-up when it came to educating teens and needed sound policies. 

“We need education to de-normalise vapes and inform young people of their adverse impact. Currently they are confused,” Professor Jancey said. 


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